I've been given some thought lately to making my own domain and getting my own site away from blogspot. Any ideas blog peeps?? Recommendations for sites to use? Did you have any problems starting your own site? Did you use any IT people to help you transfer your posts from your old site??
Help. Ideas. Thoughts. Stories. Recommendations greatly appreciated, ya'll!
I started as self hosted and I love that I did. I've learned soo soo much and definitely recommend it. I use wordpress and godaddy and both have been awesome :) Let me know if you have any questions!
Wellll, I'll be honest and say that having a self hosted Wordpress site is a pain in my patootie! I did it myself (except for the design) and then needed to hire help for a problem I created with my feed. I think I may need to get more consulting help with other issues. I find the forum to be very little help at all, but the same is true IMO for google help. Wordpress.com is a very easy way to go with none of the tech issues. They seem to have added a lot of features since I left that platform.
Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions I might be able to answer. I am all about helping pave the way, since I know that it sure helped me to get what little tech advice I could. Good luck!
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