That just means i'll have to dance my booty off at my sister's wedding next weekend :) OH EM GEE. It's next saturday!!! AHHHHH!!!!!
Food wise for the wedding i did good-ish ... 5 little meatballs, 3 little pieces of chicken, tomatoes, carrots, 1/2 of a little triangle sandwich, 1 sprite, 1 michelob ultra, and 1 piece of yummy delicious pecan filled cake! And i only had one serving... didn't go back for Seconds or Thirds or Fourths, etc. SMALL VICTORY FOR ME! Now let's see if i can do the same for my sister's wedding and upcoming events!!!
Best of Luck to Melissa, Rita, and Jennifer doing half-marathons tomorrow!
much love, yo.
oh that sucks...I love dancing, such a great workout but dosent feel like a workout!
btw..saw you were going to be a nurse, thats awesome, good luck!
I am a nutrition major to get my RD so that I can become a CDE (certified diabetes educator) i was initially going to get my BSN no RD to do this but RD seem to be slightly shorter rout I still would like to go and get my BSN though
Good for you! I did not have as great success at a wedding celebration last night:(
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